A free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions worldwide. Find out more...
"One of my favourite IDEs out there is BlueJ"
— James Gosling, creator of Java.
Requires 64-bit Windows, Windows 7 or later. Also available: Standalone zip suitable for USB drives.
Requires 64-bit, Debian buster or Ubuntu 18.10 or later. Please read the Installation instructions.
Please read the Installation instructions. (Works on most platforms with Java/JavaFX 11 support).
"Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ" is a textbook co-written by the developers of BlueJ and has sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.
Our free Blueroom website offers teaching resources and the chance to engage with other educators using BlueJ around the world.
We have several extensions available that add to BlueJ's base functionality.
If you have a technical issue with the BlueJ software itself (e.g. installation problems, failing to start, etc), you can view our FAQ, contact our technical support or bluelight安卓免费下载.
The BlueJ project is supported by Oracle. We benefit from open source licences for JProfiler (a Java profiler) and JIRA.